Newbury College is reinforcing to its students the importance of staying safe. As part of Stay Safe week local authorities and organisations have been visiting the College to talk to students; some of these include the police, The Edge, the health zone and the ambulance service.

Students were engaged in activities during these sessions promoting the awareness of staying safe, and the College reinforced its drugs policy when a member of Screen Safe UK and their sniffer dog attended; highlighting the dangers of drug use.

Stay Safe week has become an annual event at the College after its previous successes promoting local services, and this year has been no exception. Lorna Sherlock, who is responsible for organising the event and activities said, "Once again it has been a huge success; it's a way of teaching the students the importance of staying safe and the services available to support young people, and we are grateful to see they are following our policies."

Newbury College offers hundreds of courses for school learners and adult learners. If you are interested in studying at the College, please come to our Open Day on 15 November, 4pm-8pm. Or alternatively for more information, call us on 01635 845000.