As a Further Education (FE) college, Newbury College is required (by the Further and Higher Education Act 1992) to have a Governing Board known as the Newbury College Corporation.
The main role of the Corporation is to oversee the way the college is run; make sure it delivers what its community needs in a way that reflects the highest professional and ethical standards; make effective use of the resources it has available.
There are different categories of Governors (also known as Members) forming the Corporation Board. This comprises of External Governors, who are recruited from outside the college from business and community organisations and Student and Staff Governors.
The Corporation Board, which is a non-executive committee, meets at key stages throughout the academic year.
pdf Corporation Attendance (184 KB)
External Board Review
Newbury College and UCN had an External Board Review from January to May 2024. The review was carried out by the Association of Colleges with Martin McNeill as reviewer. The review is a requirement for all Colleges every three years as set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022.
The review concluded:
Newbury College has a capable and committed board that has shown itself ready to adapt its ways of working and is successfully addressing the financial and quality issues that have dominated the agenda over the last twelve months.
Although there is plenty to do, we recognise that the Board of Newbury College has significant strengths. Our review found evidence that it is becoming increasingly proficient and is having an impact on college strategy, effectiveness, and outcomes. Further improvements to governance will help to ensure that the College continues to meet the needs of its community over the life of the new Strategic Plan.
The Board of Governors welcomed the feedback on the Review and were pleased with the strengths identified and the useful ideas to improve. As a result, we have consolidated the review findings into an annual action plan for Governance which will be considered at the Search and Governance Committee on 7 October 2024.
For further information, please contact Heather Large, the Governance Professional at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Legal Status
The College Corporation was established under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 for the purpose of conducting Newbury College. The College is an exempt charity for the purposes of Part 3 of the Charities Act 2011, regulated by the Department for Education (DfE).
Corporation Members
Lee Probert Principal and Chief Executive
Peter Lambert External Member
A good Governing Board should reflect the community it serves and bring together a wide range of people with different backgrounds, lifestyles, skills and experience. Corporation Members should:
- have a commitment to education and training and to the success of the college's students.
- be willing to contribute to the life and well-being of the college and its community.
- commit to strengthening links between the college and its business and local communities and commit to acting openly, honestly and with integrity.
Find out more about becoming a Corporation Member.