This pathway is designed as a multiple-year full-time study programme that supports learners with profound, complex and multiple disabilities.
Personal Progression
This is a programme aimed at students with severe or profound and multiple learning and physical difficulties.
The main focus of learning is the development of communication and life and living skills, with a high level of support from trained staff.
Students take part in sensory and creative activities and access the local community. Portfolios of evidence are gathered to support accredited work towards the City and Guilds Award, Certificate and Diploma in Personal Progress.
Students are also assessed against departmental descriptors in Communication and Interaction, Life and Living Skills, Pathways to Employment and Personal Development.
All students have individual short-term targets that help them to make progress towards these topics and their EHCP outcomes. Staff work with speech and language, AAC, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dietary needs professionals to deliver individual programmes tailored to meet needs.