Before the holidays Newbury College Academy students were joined by local artists Jaime Jackson and Sally Payen to help them produce artwork based around the theme of peaceful protest'.

Jaime and Sally have a special exhibition of artworks on display at West Berkshire Museum called The Knitted Fence. The exhibition explores the actions of the Greenham Common peace women's non-violent protest during the 1980s, as well as eco activism, recycling, collaborative working and politics. Sally is a former Newbury College student, studying art at A Level when the College was based at its old site in town.

The pre-16 students learned about the peace camp, where protesters peacefully campaigned against nuclear warheads being stored at the Greenham airbase. They went on to develop images about causes important to them and stencilled or transfer-printed the images onto textiles before tying them onto a piece of fence with plaited ribbons.

The fence forms part of the special exhibition which is on show from 28 March to 29 April 2018. Entry to the exhibition is free. It is open Wed-Sun, 10am to 4pm.