Newbury College hosted the first training session for the South of England Junior Wheelchair Basketball team on Saturday 25 May at 10am-2pm. Newbury College is one of four Colleges' in the South East involved in supporting these sessions.

The team is getting ready for the, 'Sainsbury's UK School Games 2013', which will be taking place at the University of Sheffield in September. The Games will be held over four days and is designed to replicate the feel of a major event such as the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

Kev Ogbourne, Head Coach of the British Wheelchair Basketball team who will be training the squad said, "The team was cut down to just 14 when we finish our training on the 25th, then we have a few more training sessions to get ready for the school games in Sheffield".

This will be the third successive year that Wheelchair Basketball has been chosen sports for the 2013 School Games. The event is held annually and is a multi-sport event for the UK's elite young athletes of school age.

Sara Taylor Team Manager, who organised the training sessions for the team said, "As Team Manager it was my responsibility to select training venues for the Wheelchair Basketball (South) Team, and I choose Newbury College for its location, enthusiasm of the staff, accessibility and its modern sports hall.