As part of their course students at Newbury College took part in a Skills Project providing them with valuable life skills. New faces at Newbury College were shown around exhibits of current students work at Taster Day and took part in a quiz regarding the projects in order to give them a flavour of what College life has in store.

Principal Dr Anne Murdoch presented certificates and awards to students who have shown exceptional dedication and hard work in both their project and their College course throughout the year.

Skills Project Co-ordinator Sian Ellis is delighted with the efforts of the students and said, "Students have worked incredibly hard on their Skills Projects producing outstanding results. The Level 2 Carpenters built a Wendy House for a local charity; the Level 2 Animal Care students planned and held a successful dog show; the Level 1 Cookery students have led an exceptional food and beverage service and this is just a snippet of what the students have achieved. All of these projects have allowed students to build on their knowledge and skills and develop their confidence in leadership, communication and teamwork. The standards of their projects are fantastic and I am confident that the skills that they have developed will stand them in good stead in their futures".

All students on a full time course have been working on vocational projects designed to build on the skills that they have acquired during their course and help to enhance their employability, giving them the confidence to talk about their achievements.