
Consumer group Which? has published survey results which suggest that further guidance is needed for students when deciding on what subjects to study after GCSEs.

The poll of 1,020 UK teenagers revealed that 30% felt inadequately informed about how their subject options would affect their university and degree courses, with 29% agreeing they would have appreciated more advice.

The survey also revealed that over half of the students polled picked their sixth form or college subjects without considering their future prospects.

This, coupled with the news reported recently by The Guardian that one in four UK graduates remain low earners ten years after leaving university, makes it even more important for young people to consider what they want to do in the future and seek advice from a range of different sources prior to choosing what subjects to study after GCSEs, commented Dr Anne Murdoch, Principal at Newbury College.

Which? also advises students to consider vocational qualifications as a route to university.

The traditional route to university isn't one-size-fits all', continued Murdoch. BTEC diplomas (HNCs and HNDs) and apprenticeships offer an alternative to higher education, and include practical experience relevant to the subject choice.

Newbury College student, Bryony Petersen, recently completed BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Uniformed Public Services, and has a place at University of Northampton to study paramedic science in September. The BTEC course taught me the self-discipline to develop leadership and teamwork skills, expedition training, command, control and much more. My results have earnt me a place at university in a subject that will ultimately lead to me to my dream career as a paramedic, said Bryony.

Newbury College is holding an open enrolment event on Saturday 3 September between 10am to 1pm. Curriculum subject leaders will be on hand to discuss the various options available to students, who can also seek advice from members of the College's Information, Advice and Guidance team.