Making important decisions about the future can be a daunting task for many of the young people who are currently preparing to sit their GCSE exams and with such a wide choice of A Levels, vocational courses, apprenticeships and training opportunities now available to 16 year olds, who under recent government legislation are required to remain in some form of education until they are 18, parents and guardians often play a critical role in supporting the decisions young people make regarding their studies.

Newbury College recognises the important role that parents and guardians play as young people make the transition from school to college and regularly asks parents and guardians for their feedback on the provision provided to their children.

A survey conducted following the recent Progress Evening in March highlighted that parents and guardians thought highly of the education and skills that Newbury College provided to young people, with 98% agreeing that the teaching is of a high standard and 100% agreeing that their son/daughter is gaining new skills to help them in the future.

One parent commented I am pleased that my child is enjoying college, that her confidence and learning is growing and that she is happy. Another praised the support Newbury College provides by saying This is the first year [my son's] course has run and the college have been more than supportive in trying to keep my son's interest and encourage him to complete it. They have given lots of praise where needed and have offered more than I could ever have expected in terms of encouragement and care.

Newbury College also provides a range of academic and vocational programmes for 14 and 15 year olds, as well as professional qualifications, business training and higher education courses for adults. An Open Day is being held at the Monks Lane campus on Saturday 14 May from 10am to 1pm where members of the public are invited to come along and discover the wide range of opportunities available. Visitors will be able to talk to subject tutors and take part in a range of interactive activities to get a taste of what Newbury College has to offer.

Parents and guardians of young people looking to take the next step in their education are also encouraged to attend a special Information Evening on Wednesday 15 June which will be hosted by Principal Dr Anne Murdoch and feature talks from existing students on their own positive experiences at Newbury College.


