Public Service students at Newbury College recently attended Royals Marines Browndown Camp in Hampshire, where they spent the day taking part in activities including: fitness tests, physical training, laser shooting, climbing towers and attending a talk on roles within the Royal Marines (including the Royal Marines Band).

The event was run by the Royal Marines Visibility Team, whose role is to communicate what the Royal Marines do, and provide taster sessions for those that may be interested in joining the forces. It highlights to students what would be expected of them, and also the roles available within the Royal Marines and Royal Navy.

Public Services Course Leader at Newbury College Neil Metcalfe, who organised the trip said, The students thoroughly enjoyed the day. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to find out about the role of the Royal Marines in today's Armed Forces and to look at the variety of job roles on offer. The students experienced some physical training and were able to speak to staff on a one-to-one basis to find out about the selection process and training for positions they were interested in.

This is the first year that female students have been invited to take part in the event, as previously the Royal Marines were a male only force. It was also the first year that the Royal Marines Band were present and described their role in both peace and conflict.

The Corps of Royal Marines is the UK's amphibious light infantry force, forming part of the Naval Service, along with the Royal Navy.