Newbury College today announced the launch of its new holiday club for students with high needs. Based in its well-equipped and specially adapted Ormande Centre, Newbury College is now extending its provision to provide activities over the holiday periods.

Newbury College Team Leader, Louise Campbell, said: We are delighted to be able to offer holiday club places to both new and existing students. We realise how hard it is for our students to have such long gaps in-between terms and this can be very unsettling. We also understand how tricky it can be to find a suitable provision for young people during the holidays with staff who understand their needs and have a high level of knowledge and experience.

The first holiday club will run over the February half term (13-15 February) and spaces are still available. The club will also run during Easter, May half term and the summer holidays. The cost for shared support is £55 per day per person, the cost for 1:1 or 2:1 support is £15 per hour per support person. Transport may be available for some students.

To discuss the holiday club in more detail or to book a place, please call Louise Campbell on 01635 845000 for more information.