We are delighted to announce that the student governor for the 17-18 academic year is Hazel Cassel.

The role of the student governor is to ensure that the students have a voice on the corporation board and also to chair the student council. 

Hazel is on the first year of her Level 3 Child Care course and attends College three days a week (Tue, Wed and Fri) and a work placement in Thatcham for the other two. Hazel previously attended Newbury College as a Public Service student a few years ago and has returned to retrain so that she can go on to university and become a family support worker.

Already a student ambassador with responsibility for anti-bullying, Hazel is keen and enthusiastic about her new role. Her particular passion is student mental health and well-being, and she hopes that she can help promote awareness of these matters at board level.

Students can contact Hazel on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.