Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions (HCVS), in collaboration with Newbury College, is set to change the perception of apprenticeships with the development of its brand new apprenticeship programme, which complements its highly successful graduate scheme.

Hitachi Capital approached Newbury College as one of the leading education providers in West Berkshire to help develop a truly unique offer, which not only provides an apprenticeship qualification but also gives individuals the opportunity to develop a career within the organisation.

Chris Tarry, interim head of customer services and leader of Hitachi Capital's current graduate programme comments, "The scheme is in place to offer individuals a real chance to boost their prospects. We are focused on investing in the future and by offering the applicant's invaluable training; we are working towards best practice in the workplace. By setting up the apprenticeship scheme, we aim to support our local community and also ensure that the candidates get the opportunity to build the skills required to deliver excellent results."

The new recruits will gain experience within a number of different departments, providing them with training across the board and a competitive salary. Hitachi Capital is offering the local community an opportunity to enter the working world without the necessity of a degree. With the rising costs of higher education, this is something that those with A-Level qualifications can consider as a competitive alternative to going to University that will kick-start their careers.

Pat Frith, sales and account manager for Newbury College, comments, "We are pleased to be working in partnership with Hitachi Capital in this apprenticeship scheme and fully support them in offering young people in Newbury a vocational approach to developing a professional career, rather than undertaking a University degree. We have been working closely with Hitachi Capital to develop the programme and are impressed with their level of commitment to tailoring training to ensure that it attracts and develops high performing stars for the future."

Six individuals will be chosen to embark on a two-year customer service based programme where they will gain a Level 3 qualification as well as supported development within the company. Hitachi Capital is opening up this programme to those who do not hold a degree, but are drawn to a professional environment. Applications open in March, with candidates being selected in April. Please click the link to apply:

To find out more about Apprenticeship Schemes that Newbury College can provide please contact Pat Frith on 01635 845000