Learners in Health and Social Care were awarded certificates for their hard work at this year's Celebration of Achievement earlier this month. The presentation was opened by Curriculum Manager, Alan Cracknell and certificates awarded by Deputy Principal, Fadia Clarke. 

At the event, which took place on 6 July 2012, students received certificates for completing their courses which included awards for work experience and special awards for hard work and accomplishments.

Mr Cracknell was keen to congratulate students and staff. He said "The students have made good progress this year, improving their attitudes and attendance. This is no doubt down to the efforts of the staff that have worked equally hard this year and are a very good and talented team."

The celebrations were a great success and an opportunity for all learners to congratulate one another on their achievements. For some this marks the end of their time at the College, whereas others will be back to gain higher qualifications in Health and Social Care this September. Health and Social Care is an important area of study with numerous opportunities in the field and Fadia Clarke highlighted the wide prospects that lay ahead of the learners.