Skills written with a red pen




Newbury College is pleased to be involved with this initiative otherwise known as the BEEP programme. Which is helping to engage small, medium employers and microbusinesses to create opportunities for young people to experience the world of work and to build capacity and networks amongst employers and between employers, young people and education providers in Berkshire.

Project Aim

The aim of the project is:
To help employers gain confidence and build the capacity and capability to:

  • support increased engagement with young people and education providers; and
  • take on and sustain employment of young people with a range of additional needs.

To help young people to:

  • gain confidence and motivation leading to better choices at key stages of the learning and careers journey;
  • engage with the world of work and develop necessary skills and qualifications;
  • increase employability skills; and
  • secure better support from employers and others to enable those with additional needs to gain and sustain employment
The range of support

3 Tiers Model

Intensive Support

For the most hard-to-reach/vulnerable young people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Additional Support

For young people who face barriers to successful entry into the labour market (i.e. who are at risk of being not in education, employment or training – NEET) but who do not require intensive support.

Universal Support

Available to all young people aged 15-24.

Benefits for employers

The BEEP project team will support you in matching young people for your organisation. Providing ongoing support and coaching to help your business accommodate young people and build confidence to work with them. Support longer work placements and T-Level placements that help you connect with and grow your understanding of the skills of young people to match and develop these to the needs of your workplace. Help to build networks between employers.

Get Involved

As a local employer you can get involved by:

  • Providing virtual or onsite work experience, placements, internships and workplace visits.
  • Creating more opportunities and employer encounters for young people, career fairs and employer open days.
  • Mentoring students and young people.
  • Discussing with young people the careers they offer or the skills they value.
  • Offering Apprenticeships and T-Level placements; the new technical vocational qualification.

Please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01635 845000 

BEEP is delivered by Newbury College and several other partners and is overseen by the careers charity Adviza. The programme is funded by the European Social Fund and the Department for Work and Pensions.