In an event that celebrated Dr Anne Murdoch's 17-year long career at Newbury College, governors and staff, past and present, gathered with Mayors, local business leaders and members of Anne's family to celebrate her time as Principal. The event took place in an indoor marquee in the College sports hall on Wednesday 31 January. The proceedings were led by Geoff Knappett, Corporation Chair, and hosted by Communications Officer, Shaun Daubney, who highlighted Anne's many achievements and successes in a this is your life'-style presentation.

Contributing to the tributes that were made on the day were speakers Tony Allen, former Corporation Chair, Councillor Ellen Mary Crumly, Mayor of Thatcham, Pamela Lumsden, CEO, AOSEC and Roly Wise, an Engineering Assessor who has worked at the College for over 40 years. Those that could not attend, sent their well wishes via video ' these included Richard Benyon MP for Newbury, Campbell Christie, Principal, Bracknell and Wokingham College, Jacinta O'Shea, Managing Director of Keystone Projects Ltd and Anne's grandson, James Murdoch.

It's been a wonderful 17 years at the College, reflects Dr Anne Murdoch, Principal and CEO. I joined just before the College moved from its old site on the Oxford Road to its new campus on Monks Lane. In the time I've been Principal, I've been through five Ofsted inspections that have seen the College improve from unsatisfactory in 2004 to Good in 2009, 2015 and 2017, seen approximately 70-80,000 students take our courses, and developed the campus by adding a sports hall, training restaurant, construction centre, animal care unit, hair salon, and, most recently, an engineering solutions lab.

I've had the pleasure of working with many great staff and governors over the years and received a huge amount of support from the wider stakeholders, such as employers, the Thames Valley Berkshire LEP and local authorities. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them all. I look forward to working alongside my successor Iain Wolloff for a short time before I leave and I wish him every success in his new role.

Anne's last day at the College is Friday 09 February, after which she takes up a position with the Principal's Professional Council. She will also assist in helping the College open a brand new primary school on its site in 2019.