Are you waiting for exam results in August? Not sure what to do next? Have you considered applying for an apprenticeship?

According to UCAS, applications for university places in 2017 are down by 5%*. That means more and more young people are deciding to look for alternative routes into their chosen careers. In 2015/16 just over half a million people started an apprenticeship programme ' an increase of 9,500 on the previous year**.

Here are five reasons why apprenticeships are fast becoming a popular choice for school leavers: 

1. Get qualified ' Alongside work experience, you'll continue to study towards a nationally-recognised qualification. Apprenticeships can be studied at three different levels; intermediate, advanced and higher. You can now even study right up to a degree qualification (level 6).

2. Earn money ' an apprenticeship is a real job that will earn you a wage!

3. Relevant work experience ' you'll receive practical training and experience in a real-world working environment.

4. Available in a great range of subjects ' apprenticeships are available in a wide range of subjects including accountancy, business administration, health care, hairdressing, IT, professional cookery, engineering, vehicle maintenance and more. 

5. Support and guidance ' all apprentices receive support and guidance from an assessor. The assessor will meet regularly with the apprentice and employer to discuss progress.

Don't wait for results day to apply for an apprenticeship.

If you want to work in business administration, customer service, HR or IT, or if your dream job is to be a chef, nursery nurse or engineer, apply for an apprenticeship now. Newbury College is currently advertising vacancies in all these areas. Don't wait until results day, get ahead of the game click here or call the apprenticeship team on 01635 845229.

Careers Advice

Newbury College is offering free Information, Advice and Guidance sessions throughout the summer email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01635 845000 for details.

*UCAS ' applications for UK higher education down 5% for UK students, Feb 17 **Apprenticeship Statistics: England, 21/11/16