T Levels (Technical levels) have arrived in Newbury
They fit perfectly with our “Careers not Courses” focus and bring employers to the forefront of the design, implementation and progression destination for students.
Alongside Apprenticeships and A Levels, T Levels are now one of the three main options for school leavers. T Levels replace the vocational qualifications previously offered at Level 3.
A T Level is a two-year programme with a one-year foundation year that helps build the practical skills and knowledge for the industry students are entering. The Foundation year also supports students who may need to retake English and maths GCSE in their first year at college. The T Levels currently offered at Newbury College are:
- Foundation to T Level Construction (Electrical)
- Foundation to T Level Construction (Plumbing)
- T Level Building Services Engineering for Construction (BSE) (Electrical)
- T Level Building Services Engineering for Construction (BSE) (Plumbing)
Digital & Media
- Foundation to T Level in Digital
- T Level in Digital Support Services
- T Level Media, Broadcast and Production
Student study hours are approximately 1,800 over two years (including the industry placement). The industry placement element is 315 hours (approx. 45 days), ensuring it is much more meaningful to the student and employer. The timing of the industry placement may differ depending on the qualification; some may opt for a continuous block, and others will distribute it throughout the year.
One student said after their industry placement:
“Being able to work in a professional work environment doing many different things has helped my confidence grow along with my ability to carry out many different tasks”.
Become a T Level Partner
To complete the qualification, all Business, Digital, and Construction T-Level students must complete an Industry Placement of at least 315 hours.
Our Industry Placement Coordinators will meet with you to assess your business needs and examine the student skill set to match it with the roles in your organisation.
If you are an employer interested in finding out more, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Becoming a T Level Partner Company with Newbury College brings immediate benefits:
- An opportunity to nurture and support the development of local young people and discover the benefits they can bring to your organisation
- Advertise vacancies on our e-Student Hub, linking you to an enormous recruitment talent pool at the College
- Invitations to our employer events and Open Evenings
- Membership of Employer Forums providing networking opportunities and supporting the curriculum development
- Publicity and marketing of selected stories to optimise your corporate profile and showcase your corporate social responsibility
As well as...
- A talent recruitment stream for your business and an opportunity to discover your future apprentices and full and part-time workers
- A dedicated Industry Placement Coordinator
- Additional SEND student support allowance for students with special needs, and in some cases, a job coach can accompany the student
- The College pays for student travel to your workplace
- Monitoring reviews support students on placement and review progress with the employer
- Certificate of Placement and a review evaluation to show how the student has achieved.
What to expect

- We develop and assess the student's work readiness to prepare them for their placement
- Support them in preparing their CV and pen profile
- We'll meet with you to assess your business needs
- Undertake a risk assessment-by phone or a 15-min site visit
- Check whether there are any special tools and equipment needed

- The Career Development Coach will match your business needs with the skills and preparedness of the student to ensure a successful match
- You'll have the opportunity to interview the student and complete an Industrial Placement Agreement
- The Agreement will agree the placement objectives for the student

- We'll provide access to an interactive placement system that enables you to feedback on the student's progress throughout
- Review meetings will be held at the beginning, middle and end of the placement to monitor student progress

- Provide a reference and placement feedback
- Discuss progression and next steps
How to sign up
We have a dedicated team of Industry Placement Coordinators that support the matching of T Level students to the needs of your business. This team can be contacted on weekdays (09:00-17:00) 01635 845000, or by emailing them via their contacts on this page. They will be happy to discuss the options available in more detail.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Am I guaranteed to have a student placement if I request one?
The College will assess the needs of the employer and the student, and in some cases, we may not be able to find a suitable industry placement. Sometimes, the industry placement may start later in the spring/summer.
Do I have flexibility in when the placement is delivered?
Yes, the 315-hour placement is flexible. The student can attend at times and days that suit your business best. For some employers, this might be one day per week, and others may prefer block weeks at peak times. You may even need a mixture of the two models. The days can include weekends; we ask that students do not work past 10 pm during the college term.
We can factor in weeks or periods when you cannot host the placement, and students can work holidays by mutual agreement.
Are there set times that a student can work?
For some students, this will be one day per week in a window from October until June. This can include a block of time at the end of the summer term. The student and the employer will agree on how the 315 hours will work best. All students will need appropriate consideration to complete the June exams and their course as normal.
There is flexibility in ensuring that all parties agree on the work placement timetable.
What if a student is absent or ill on industry placement days?
We ask you to treat students as if they were one of your employees and advise them of your illness procedure, such as expecting them to phone in. The College should be informed of any persistent absence from placement.
Can students work weekends or holidays?
Yes, this can be arranged with the employer. We work with the student and employer to identify suitable days and agree on a work placement timetable to complete the 315 hours by 31 July.
Can the student have more than one placement during the programme?
Yes, the student can have two employers during the programme, with the cumulative totals from the two placements adding up to 315 hours by the end of the T Level.
What if the student has special needs?
The student is still encouraged to complete an industry placement. The College may provide a job coach to accompany them in the workplace for some or all of the placement. In this case, the placement can also be completed in 245 hours instead of 315 hours.
Will the student be paid?
You do not have to pay the student but can choose to if you wish.
Following the industry placement, you may wish to recruit the student in a paid capacity, either part-time, full-time or as an apprentice. We ask that you encourage the completion of the T Level and would be happy to support the transition or discuss apprenticeship options.
Is there a risk assessment?
Yes, all placements are risk assessed. Depending on your workplace, this will likely be a phone assessment, and we will require your employer liability insurance details. We may need to undertake a short 15-minute site risk assessment before the placement commences.
There will be some liaison at the review points in the placement, when we discuss objectives and the student's progress. Following the placement, we would like the student to have a reference from the employer.
How much paperwork is there?
We will complete a short form when we first discuss the placement. You'll have the opportunity to interview the student(s) and confirm your agreement to take them for the industry placement. We also complete a risk assessment before the student starts.
What happens if it goes wrong?
In the unlikely event that the placement does not work out, please liaise with the College team at the earliest opportunity. Where necessary, the college will move the student to an alternative employer to complete their allotted time.