Case Studies

Laura Pearce

As a teaching assistant, I find the course extremely relevant to my job. The course has taught me a lot about children’s learning development, and I’m applying what I’ve learnt so far within my role at the school where I work. Studying for a degree in Newbury is an advantage to me. I was thrilled that UCN’s partnership with the University of Reading made this possible for me. More...

Foundation Degree in Children's Development and Learning

Wates Construction logo

I always find it difficult to pitch the right level of task for our trainees, let alone a T Level student that has limited knowledge of construction. However, I was quite surprised how [they] grabbed hold of my task and were confident in their actions. Read more...

Jason Wooldridge
Operations Director - Wates Construction

Will Sandell

I really liked the look of the T Level course when I came in on my induction day and my induction week. I want to make quite a lot of money when I'm older, and I thought that business is a good way to do that. More...

T Level Foundation Year: Management and Administration

Sukomal Sukomal

With an extensive background in the electronics industry, I have worked as an Electronics Technical Engineer in multiple geographic locations. I enjoy teaching students how the concepts they learn in class can be applied in practical scenarios within the engineering industry, helping them understand the relevance and importance of the subject in real-world applications. More...

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lecturer