

As life begins to unfold alongside the government’s roadmap, Newbury College and University Centre Newbury (UCN) also begin to welcome students back on-site.

While students and employers have provided positive feedback regarding the continuation of learning both for mainstream students and apprentices, we are delighted to see a flurry of activity in the workshops and learning spaces once again.

Over the coming years, it will be vital to support students in understanding their role and value in rebuilding society, giving them opportunities to realise their talents, and encouraging them to ask questions that contribute to positive change.

By working together, we can ensure our students’ development meet the skills needs of your organisations.

The Skills For Jobs whitepaper launched by the government in January states:

Many of the skills that employers are demanding require intermediate or Higher Technical Qualifications – but only 4% of young people achieve a qualification at higher technical level by the age of 25 compared to the 33% who get a degree or above.

UCN looks to expand the offer of degree-level skills locally to meet the local economy’s changing needs. By embedding the skills you need at every level of students learning and development, we are building a viable pool of talent for your business.

Recruit Apprentices before September and double your incentives

The government is doubling the apprenticeship incentive payments to £3,000 and extending the recruitment opportunities to all ages. You only have until September to benefit, so get in touch to discuss how we can support your business with our apprenticeship recruitment and matching service and getting the most out of your Apprenticeship Levy. 

In supporting students with opportunities, ranging from Work Experience and Industry Placements to employing them as Apprentices, you can:

  • identify local talent
  • save time and money on recruitment
  • address the Higher Technical skills gaps
  • mould a workforce that has a more in-depth understanding of your business
  • develop a skilled workforce tailored to your needs

We look forward to working with you further in developing your business and building a skilled workforce for the future.

To find out how we can support your business, contact the Business Team via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.