
Newbury College officially opened its 'Gallery' space on Thursday 13 June at 4pm. The art exhibition space was opened by Councillor Hilary Cole who is Councillor for Culture in West Berkshire.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Newbury and other special guests, including governors and local dignities attended the opening where Councillor Cole cut the ribbon to declare the space open. The Gallery' space will be available for local community art groups to hire for activities and exhibitions. Following the launch, visitors attended the private view of the College's Art and Design end of year show. The event showcased up and coming student art talent who were available to talk about their work at the drinks reception.

Jackie Heggs, Course Leader of Art and Design, is delighted with some of the high standard of work this year and said, The event was a great success, some of the learners have blown me away with their final pieces; I think people are really going to enjoy the exhibition. The end of year exhibition is open to the public from 6pm on Thursday 13 June until Thursday 20 June.

The exhibition is a show case of students' work from across the range of art courses at the College from Level 2 courses to Foundation Diploma Level. This will include Photography, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Fashion / Textiles and Installation. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to meet the artists and also have the opportunity to purchase selected pieces of work. Many of the learners will be going on to University and other institutes to continue their art studies on Higher Education Courses.

West Berkshire's Adult Learners' Week was launched on Friday, 17th May with the Learner Achievement Awards ceremony at Shaw House, Newbury. The awards celebrate the success of the adult learning sector which provides a range of educational and training opportunities to individuals over the age of 19 years.

This year's awards were presented by Councillor David Holtby, Vice Chairman of West Berkshire Council, and covered 8 award categories across a variety of courses and programmes including professional qualifications and training, academic and vocational qualifications, apprenticeships, tutors, personal and family learning.

A number of people benefited from an award including individual learners, volunteers, trainers and representatives from local organisations.

Peter Kendall of SPX Flow Technology in Newbury won the Outstanding Achievement Award. Peter is in his final year of a 4 year apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering. This award not only celebrates Peter's outstanding achievement but also acknowledges the success of today's apprenticeships as an effective route to gain the training and skills required for employment or to progress on to higher education.

He has impressed his employers at SPX Flow Technology with his practical engineering skills and professionalism and this success is mirrored at College where Peter has achieved a range of Computer Aided Design and BTEC mechanical engineering qualifications at distinction level. He plans to continue his training with a foundation degree in Mechanical Engineering commencing September this year.

Now, in its 11 year, the West Berkshire Learner Achievement Awards are organised by West Berkshire Council on behalf of the West Berkshire Community Learning Partnership and sponsored by Newbury College, West Berkshire Training Consortium, Workers Education Association and Thatcham Lifelong Learning Forum.

Newbury College took part in CLIC Sargent's 'Wig Wednesday' on Wednesday 22 May, raising over £100 for children and young people with cancer.

Being diagnosed with cancer is a frightening experience. The gruelling, often life-saving cancer treatment can last up to three years and frequently leads to children and young people losing their hair. The College showed their support throughout the day where both students and staff were invited to wear a wig and make a donation.

LRC Manager, Fiona Lees, who organised the event at the College said, "We are delighted with the amount of learners and staff who supported CLIC Sargent, the UK's leading cancer charity for children and young people, by taking part in Wig Wednesday. This charity helps young people throughout their treatment for cancer and other life limiting illnesses, along with supporting the family".

Newbury College has recently celebrated Adult Learners' Week, a national celebration of the benefits of lifelong learning. To recognise this occasion Newbury College organised a range of activities on the Open Day and throughout the whole week in support of the Alzheimer's society and the Dementia Awareness Week. .

The College raised over £200 from activities including interactive demonstrations of ACL classes, these included; pasta making, ballroom dancing, flower arranging, ceramics and upholstery, Family Learning arts and crafts workshops, and donations were collected at each activity. The college also arranged a raffle and cake sale, helping to raise funds further.

Community Learning Manager Sarah Hughes said, "I am pleased to announce we have managed to raise over £200 for the Alzheimer's Society through activities we held during Adult Learners Week. A massive thank you to all who supported us, our donation will pay for brain scans for two participants in a clinical trial to help improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer's".

Newbury College Health and Social Care students also got involved in raising funds for Dementia Week when they treated residents at Bayford House Residential Nursing to a flower arranging display. The event was organised by the students who had been set an assignment to carry out a voluntary project in the community, which will be marked towards their final grade.

Health and Social Care student, Rebecca Cannings said, "Working with residents at Bayford House was a great opportunity for us to learn more about our chosen career path whilst promoting Dementia Week".

Newbury College works closely with Bayford House, who offer placements opportunities to the College's Health and Social Care students as well as those studying Catering.

Alzheimer's Society is the leading support and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They provide information and support to people with any form of dementia and their carers through publications such as, National Dementia Helpline, their website, and more than 2,000 local services. The Alzheimer's Society helps to campaign for a better quality of life for people with dementia and a greater understanding of dementia.