
As parents of teenagers at secondary school, you may have already heard about the government's proposal to change the current vocational education system and introduce new T-level qualifications from 2020. You may also be wondering why the change was recommended and what impact it will have on your son or daughter when they go to a further education college?

In our handy guide for parents, we explain everything you need to know about the new qualifications and how they aim to increase your child's skills and employability. 

What are T-levels?

Alongside apprenticeships and A-levels, T-levels will become one of the three main options for school leavers. T-levels are being introduced in the 2020/2021 academic year, and are designed to replace many of the vocational qualifications currently offered at level 3.

In a new two-year, level 3 technical study programme, T-levels will offer students:

  • Specific practical skills and knowledge in a chosen industry or occupation
  • 45 days' work placement at a relevant employer
  • Core English, Maths and digital skills

Within the programmes, students can choose the occupational specialisms they wish to focus on either from the onset or during their course, for example Early Years Educator specialism within Childcare and Education T-level. After completing a T-level programme, students will have transferrable skills to use in the workplace, they may also continue their education at university or through an apprenticeship with an employer.

T-level qualifications will be offered in the following sector areas: agriculture, environmental and animal care, business and administration, catering and hospitality, childcare and education, construction, creative and design, digital, engineering and manufacturing, hair and beauty, health and science, legal, finance and accounting, protective services, sales, marketing and procurement, social care and transport and logistics.

How did they come about?

The reforms were announced by the Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in 2016 following an independent review of the further education market. Led by Lord Sainsbury, it became known as the Sainsbury Review'.

In the review, the current system was deemed outdated and confusing' and the radical overhaul of post-16 technical education began. In the autumn budget of 2017 the government announced an additional £20m to help colleges prepare for the change. This is on top of the annual £500m investment announced at the previous budget in March.

How are the new qualifications being developed?

The qualifications are being co-designed' by the Department for Education, Institute for Apprenticeships, education providers and employers. The aims are set out by the Department for Education, and the content developed by the other three parties.

The structure of the new qualifications will be different from the current system. The number of hours a student will study increases significantly from the average 540 hours offered now to approximately 1,800 hours over the two years (including the work placement).

The work placement element increases to 45 days, but can last up to 60 working days, making it much more meaningful to the student and employer. The timing of the work placement may be different depending on the qualification, some may opt for a continuous block, and others will distribute the work placement across the programme.

The core qualifications will be graded on a 6-point scale from E to A*, with A* being the highest. Occupational specialisms are awarded on a pass, merit or distinction basis.

Need more info?

The government's website,, has a more in-depth article about T-levels for those looking to know more, click here for details.

Newbury College is offering specific T-level talks to parents in the autumn term of 2018. Keep an eye on the events page on the website for more details!

Further reading:

Before the holidays Newbury College Academy students were joined by local artists Jaime Jackson and Sally Payen to help them produce artwork based around the theme of peaceful protest'.

Jaime and Sally have a special exhibition of artworks on display at West Berkshire Museum called The Knitted Fence. The exhibition explores the actions of the Greenham Common peace women's non-violent protest during the 1980s, as well as eco activism, recycling, collaborative working and politics. Sally is a former Newbury College student, studying art at A Level when the College was based at its old site in town.

The pre-16 students learned about the peace camp, where protesters peacefully campaigned against nuclear warheads being stored at the Greenham airbase. They went on to develop images about causes important to them and stencilled or transfer-printed the images onto textiles before tying them onto a piece of fence with plaited ribbons.

The fence forms part of the special exhibition which is on show from 28 March to 29 April 2018. Entry to the exhibition is free. It is open Wed-Sun, 10am to 4pm.

A fantastic collaboration by a group of music technology students at Newbury College has resulted in Snow' this summer as their debut single, of the same name, hits Spotify. The students, who have completed their Extended Diploma, have been working in the college recording studio to record and mix two original recordings for their end-of-year skills project.

The songs have been written by Rhys Clements and have been performed, recorded and mixed by Rhys and fellow students Sky Curtis, Robin Nutley, Lauren Peters and Tegan O'Connell Dorward. The aim of the skills project is to stretch our students and give them the opportunity to produce a vocationally relevant product at the end of their course.

"The Music Technology Extended Diploma students have been fantastic this year," said Matt Foster, the course leader. "They have really developed as studio engineers and music producers and enjoyed working independently in the studio to produce this skills project."
You can listen to the singles; Snow and Different on the Newbury College website where you can also enrol now for full-time Music Technology courses.

Sky Curtis, who studied Music Technology for three years at Newbury College, has been awarded The Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship, by the University of Portsmouth. The scholarship is awarded to students who achieve very high grades for their Level 3 qualification.

Music Technology tutor, Matthew Foster said, Sky is an exceptional student who excelled in all areas of our Level 3 Music Tech course and gained a 100% grade on the awarding body's results system. Her practical and technical skills were matched with excellent academic abilities and I was sad to see her go at the end of the last academic year.

Sky commented, "I'm extremely happy to have been awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship. This is in no small part due to the dedication of my tutor, Matt Foster, and the music technology subject team at Newbury College. Thanks to the College's support and their belief in my future aspirations. This award will make a big difference in my ability to further my music technology education."

Newbury College offers a wide range of Music, Media and Dance courses with full time Music Technology courses at Level 2 and Level 3. To find out more, visit the College Open Event on, Tuesday 6 November between 4pm - 8pm or explore the courses page.