Skills Bootcamps are flexible training courses of up to 16 weeks, giving people the opportunity to build upskillsbootcamps 512 342 sector-specific skills and fast-track to an interview with an employer.

The training is funded through the Department of Education's National Skills Fund and forms part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee, helping everyone gain Skills for Life.

These courses are for adults who want to update or build their skills and are either in work, self-employed, unemployed or returning to work after a break. They are fully funded and free courses for learners.

Skills Bootcamps are developed with employers to respond to employers’ skills shortages and are aimed at delivering flexible training at levels 3-5 (medium to higher level technical skills). Employers can utilise Skills Bootcamps to train their existing employees by contributing to the cost of training. Large employers contribute 30% of the cost, and small or medium employers (SMEs) contribute 10%.

Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Logo Funding is provided via Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership 


Factory machining

Skills Bootcamps in Engineering

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Who are Skills Bootcamps for?

If you’re aged 19 and over and looking to change sectors or progress in your current industry, a Skills Bootcamp could be your next step to a better job with more job security and higher wages over time.

Skills Bootcamps offer funded courses, providing the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast track to an interview with a local employer or progress with an existing employer.

The flexible approach allows you to train around your existing commitments, and there are opportunities for many types of learners - whether you are currently employed, unemployed, recently graduated or wanting to re-enter work.

Benefits for employers

Skills Bootcamps help your business:

  • develop a loyal and talented workforce with the skills you need quickly
  • futureproof your business in a rapidly changing labour market
  • improve productivity: learners are motivated to learn new skills, provide new ideas and a fresh perspective
  • recruit staff with the right training and skills from the outset
  • get access to a pipeline of skilled adults by working with existing Skills Bootcamp providers

Employers’ Responsibilities

These may include:

  • a safe work environment
  • an induction which includes explaining relevant policies and procedures
  • a line manager to support, supervise and mentor the student
  • a guaranteed interview as part of the Skills Bootcamp provision