Throughout your programme you will focus on 4 core areas of accountacy:
-Introduction to Bookkeeping
-Principles of Bookkeeping Controls
-Principles of Costing
-The Business Environment.
Introduction to Bookkeeping - This unit introduces you to the double-entry bookkeeping system and the associated documents and processes. You will reach the stage of extracting an initial trial balance before any adjustments are made. You'll develop the skills necessary to operate a manual double-entry bookkeeping system and develop a strong foundation for progression to more advanced manual and computerised activities.
Principles of Bookkeeping Controls - This unit is about control accounts, journals and methods of payment. It takes you through reconciliation processes and the use of the journal to the stage of redrafting the trial balance, following initial adjustments. You'll learn more complex bookkeeping procedures, which will enable you to develop their understanding of the relationship between the various accounting records and consolidate knowledge of double-entry bookkeeping. You will gain the confidence needed to perform well in the workplace and prepare you for greater responsibility.
Principles of Costing - A basic introduction to costing, while building a sound foundation in the knowledge and skills needed for more complex costing and management accounting units such as Management Accounting Techniques and Applied Management Accounting.
You will understand the importance of the costing system as a source of information for internal management decision making. In contrast to the more outward perspective of financial accounting, the skills developed will allow students to provide information to managers that can be used to assist in internal business planning, decision making and control.
The Business Environment - Develop knowledge and understanding of key business concepts and their practical application in the external and internal environment in which you work. You will gain an understanding of the legal system and principles of contract law and an appreciation of the legal implications of setting up a business and the consequences this may have. Wider issues impacting businesses will be considered, including the global economic environment in which it operates, how governments impact upon it and the competitive nature of the global economy.
You will be prepared for the current workplace and recognise the importance of working effectively, whilst acknowledging the value of differences and being sensitive to the needs of others. You will gain an appreciation of communication methods and learn how to recognise valid sources of information. You will develop skills in using data analytic technology to solve problems, analyse data and communicate effectively.