
We hope that you are excited to start your new Study Online programme with us. We wanted to provide some information about Study Online (powered by Newbury College) and how to stay safe. Understanding the principles of safeguarding and safety is crucial. This page provides essential information on protecting yourself from radicalisation and extremism, the importance of British Values, and practical advice on working safely. Additionally, it offers guidance on online safety to protect your personal data and tips for handling minor injuries at home. By familiarising yourself with these topics, you can ensure a safer and more secure learning experience.

UK Flag
British Values

Understand how British Values affect you, your studies and out society.

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Fire Extinguisher
Fire Safety

Know what to do in the event of a fire.

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First Aid box
Health and Safety

Understand how to work safely and deal with minor injuries.

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Online Safety

Find out how to stay safe online to protect yourself and your data.

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Stop sign

Understand the PREVENT agenda and how to stay safe from radicalisation and extremism.

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Green shield on a purple background

What is safeguarding and why is it important?

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